Black Ops 3 Zombies Easter Egg Zetsubou No Shima


Hello everyone and welcome to my "ultimate" guide about Zetsubou No Shima. I will cover everything on the map: Main easter egg, Crafting items, etc ...

" But who are you, you little rusty donut ?" you'd say.

Well i'm FreeMetal, a french guy who's been playing Zombie mode since the release of Ascension (Back to Black ops). I'm not reaching high round (mostly cuz i'm not taking the time to), but i've played on each maps and completed every main easter eggs.

Are you prepared to land on the old Japanese swamps full of dead flesh and crawling monsters ? Here we go !

NB: Thanks to for their wonderful screenshots that saved me when i forgot to take my own here and there.


Before launching the game, make you sure have the Anywhere but here gobblegum equipped, or you won't be able to do the quest.

In order to begin the main easter egg, you'll have to complete some prerequirements. I will developp them further in the guide but here's the checklist:

  • Obtain the KT-4 and upgrade it into the Masamune (Wonderweapon).
  • Turn the power on.
  • Pick up Nan-Sapwe's skull.
  • Craft the gas mask.
  • Pick up a bucket.

Equipment - Bucket and plants

Taking a major part of the map, Zetusbou introduces the mechanic of watering plants. First of all you need to pick up a Bucket.


There are 4 areas ( for 4 players ) where you can find a bucket.
In the spawn room, in the Lab A, in the Lab B and in the main Bunker.

Those are the three spots, in the spawning area.

Once picked up, you can fill your bucket with water. There are 3 water sources on the map, wich have been irradiated by element 115 and colored.

- The Blue one near Lab A:

- The Green one near Lab B

- The Purple one in the bunker, in the cocoon's underground.

By killing zombies, they have a chance to drop a seed. You can afterwards plant it on specific spots around the map. You can water the seed one time per round, to make it grow in a particular plant.

With the bucket, you can pick up some water from one of the three sources above and water your seed. Each combination will give you another plant.


Your bucket of water has actually three stacks, this means you can water three seeds in the same round or water a seed over the course of 3 rounds. If a seed is NOT watered for a round, it will hatch by itself.

Once you have earned the Wonder weapon of the map (Or the upgraded version), you can fire on a seed after watering it in order to fertilize it. This will give you an overall better outcome.

These are the different plants you can hatch:

  • Watering a seed three time with blue water :
    will give you a bonus plant. Once fully hatched you can open it to get various weapons or bonuses. (Ray gun, monkey bomb, ManOWar, Max Ammo, Special shell needed for the secret etc ...)

    Powering up the seed with the KT-4 will make the plant to have green marks on it.

  • Watering a seed three times with green water
    will give you a spike plant. It will impale a zombie, a crawler or even a spider and keep it alive for 5mn to 1 hour ( depending on if you use the KT4 on the seed or not). Useful to make a pause or seek some parts.

  • Watering a seed three times with purple water
    will give you an horrible carnivorous plant. It will attract and kill zombies. It will also attack you and be destroyed by swamp golems.

  • Watering a seed with blue, green and purple water
    will give you a 25% chance to become a fruit plant, that can give you a free extra perk. Otherwise it will become a random plant.

  • Watering a seed three times with blue/green/purple and firing on it with the KT-4 will become a cloning plant. By using it it will save your current situation. If you die you'll retrieve back your weapons, perks, gobblegum etc .. that you had when using the plant.

Preparation - Opening the Pack-a-Punch machine

You'll need 3 parts aswell to free the Pack a Punch.

  • The first part
    is dropped underwater when you cleaned the fan from the web and get the zombies down. You can pick up even before activating the power.

  • The second part
    is randomly dropped by cocoons. Head to the underground in the room with the purple water source and just knife the cocoons. It will release zombies but the piece aswell.

  • The last part is a valve
    located in the submerged caverns where you can find the flower for the KT-4 crafting step. It can't be in the blue tunnel.

Following these, go back to the Pack a Punch, you can see three command pannels around the fence. Just interact with each of them, it will dry the water and the Pack a Punch will be accessible.

Preparation - The skull of Nan'Sapwe

Special weapon of the man is Keeper skull. First click destroy zombies, right click make them stop.

To obtain the skull, you have to complete 4 rituals. Head to your right after spawning, open the 2 doors. You'll find yourself in a court with a main altar and 4 pillars.

There are 4 bloody skulls that you have to clean up by placing them on 4 altars across the map. They have a symbol on them, you have to place the correct skull on the correct altar.

They respectively have 2,5,3 and 6 arrows on them.

When you place the skull on the altar, green zombies will spawn and aim for the skull. They will not attack you, but you must prevent them from destroying the skull. If you suceed, grab the white cleaned skull and place it back on the main altar. If failed, wait a round and go pick the skull back on the main altar.

The second ritual will spawn spiders, and third will aswell spawn swamp golem.

The symbols on altars change from game to game, but their locations are:

  • In the spawn

  • Near the crashed gun-ship.

  • In the underground of the bunker, where you can craft the KT-4 and enter the sewers network.

  • Outside the bunker, near the zipline and after the power lever.

When the 4 skulls are cleaned and placed back on the altar, a cave should open downstairs. Go inside and interact with the skull. You'll be locked underground and keepers will spawn. You'll have to kill a bunch of them.

Eventually it'll be enough and you'll be able to pick up the skull of Nan'Sapwe.

Preparation - Activate the power

Zetsubou no Shima has no lever you can straight forward turn on in order to power up the map's faciliy. To activate the power you must first fill two generators with water. They are located on Lab A and B and you must have your bucket full of water, whatever color it is.

Once one generator has been filled with water, you'll have a limited time to fill the other one.

Head to the main bunker and open the door at no cost, before the generators run dry. Infected zombies will be behind. This will also guarantee you with a Swamp monster.

Once in the bunker, open the door on the left, go as further as possible. You'll see on the lever that one vent is not working, forcing you to dive underwater.
Clean up the web on your left, the door will close and you'll have to survive until it opens.

Once outside, the power switch is in front of you.

Preparation - KT-4 (Wonder Weapon)

Zetusbou's wonderweapon is the KT-4. Pretty strong tool especially when charging your shots, it works closely like the Sliquificator from Die Rise in Black Ops II. Except it doesn't make anyone slide.

You'll need to find three parts to craft it.

  • Spider Venom

    Once the power is activated, go back to the Lab A and interact with the control panel. It will lower the cage. Now, wait for a spider to come and bring her around the cage. She will get in it by herself and the cage will be closed. Head back upstairs, and use the panel again.

    Wait that the spider blows up, and pick up the purple venom.

    Try to set-up this before the first bonus round. It should be around round 6 where a fog will be rolling in and only spiders will spawn. Ending up in a Max Ammo. You can do this step in the mean time.

  • Green glowing flask

    Once the power is activated, play around Lab B. Eventually, a zombie spawning around here will be seen with a green glow. Just kill him and take the flask he will drop. Pretty easy

  • Flower

    In the bunker, open the door in the front of you when entering and go all the way to the end. Go downstairs and open the door facing Mule Kick. Explore the underwater cavern network, you'll find a blueisht tunnel going even more bellow. At the bottom of the tunnel, you'll find a flower, just pick it up.

    Be sure to have Juggernog, or you'll drown. You can aswell shoot at the spore at the bottom of the tunnel to get your breath back.

    Go back outside the water in the slighlty flooded room. Near one of the ritual's altar, there is a special crafting table where you can craft the KT-4.

Preparation - Masamune (Upgraded Wonder Weapon)

To upgrade the KT-4, you'll need to have the skull of Nan'Sapwe, the Shield, and 3 items.

  • The Spider's tooth

    This is a mini-boss fight, be sure to have Pack-a-Punched weapons, perks and stuff.

    Head to the blue water source, behind it there is a big spider's web. Just shoot it with the KT-4 to destroy it.

    Once down, you'll be stuck in a cavern arena and a giant spider will attack you. Dodge and aim for her mouth while it's glowing yellow. She will most likely try to spawn some spiderlings so be careful. The earlier you do this, the stronger your PaP-ed weapons will be against her.

    After you killed her, a path into a tunnel behind her will be reachable.

    Before leaving, pick up one of her tooth.

    Oh and on the way out, you'll find a purple pool. Get in it, you can pick up Widow's Wine for free.

  • The rainbow-flower

    First of all you will need to fill your bucket with rainbow - multicolor water. Head back where you crafted the KT-4, at your side there will be a sewer's entrance. For 500 points you'll get propulsed near the green water.

    You have to use "Action" while passing near a 115 meteorite in the tunnel. You must have an empty bucket in order to pick this colorful water up.

    Easier method will ask you to just spam Interact button while in the tunnel. This won't be a problematic step.

    From now on, you will have to use multiple times your skull. You won't be able to use it for the 3 items in one charge, so make sure to select another weapon once done to save the remaining ammo it has. (In order to charge back fast)

    Now, head to the purple water area. You must use your skull with the Hypnosis attack (Mouse 2), while looking at a poster on the wall. The missing part of the poster should respawn.

    Do the same action, on two other walls. One at the left right at the entrance of the bunker

    The second is near the specimen's green tanks, at your left when descending from the stairs.

    Now go back to the tunnel where you picked up the underwater flower. Use again the skull on the wall facing the spore, releasing a growing spot.

    You must place a seed and water it three times with the rainbow water. Once done, the plant will hatch and will give you .. well ... a plant. Grab it.

    (Yes you must water a plant, underwater, to hatch in another plant. Shhh it's magic.)

  • Flask, episode 5, the flask strikes back

    For this step, you must electrify your shield. In order to do so, you must have a shield ( Oh really ?), the skull and every players must have completed their challenges.

    Just pick up the shield and wait near the altar with the 4 skulls. If every challenges have been completed, a lightning should eventually strike you, electrifying your shield . Now, run back to Lab B and hit the console with your shield.

    Get in the opened cage. Solo: the cage will move by itself; Multiplayer: another player must activate the console.

    Once in the underground cage, pick up the 115's flask. (You will not see a, just press action, your character should say to himself someting like "I got the piece it's fine !!!!"

    Finally, head back to the room where you crafted the KT-4. There is another table where you can upgrade it into the Masamune.

Preparation - Trials

Near the main altar with the bloodied skulls, lies 4 pillars. On them you can see 3 glowing symbols, representing 3 challenges you will have to complete them to achieve the easter egg / upgrade the KT-4. The symbols that concern you are yellow, your friends ones are blues.

By approaching and looking at them, a description of the challenge will appear and the progression tracked. They are changing from game to game but the one bellow is easy, the one in the center is average and the one on the top is hard.

By completing them you'll receive respectively a Max ammo, a SVG sniper rifle / Brecci auto-shotgun and an extra perk slot. To pick up your reward, just interact while looking at a fullfilled challenge.

When all challenges are completed, thunder will periodically hit the surroundings of the alter, electrifying your shield if equipped.

Here is the list of the possible challenges:

  • Use a spore to breath again underwater
    You need to destroy an orange spore while being close to it. It will make some bubbles and you'll be breathing again. Pretty easy.
  • Destroy 5 spores:
    Not much to say, shoot or headbutt them. They are located on wallls here and there.
  • Destroy 5 webs
    Spiders will often weave webs on doors, gobblegums and perk-a-cola machines. Interact with those to cut them. You can also use explosives.

  • Water 5 plants:
    Pretty simple, see corresponding part above.
  • Water a plant three times:
    Pretty simple, see corresponding part above. Medium :
  • Kill 20 zombies underwater:
    Not really difficult, you can do it in the first room, near the power lever or in mule kick's cavern.
  • Kill 15 zombies attracted by plants:
    For this one, you have to kill zombies while they are attracted by a carnivorous plant. ( 3 purple water) Mind the swamp monsters, they will destroy the plant if too close. KT-4 makes things easier.
  • Headshot 10 zombies while they are infected by a spore:
    Zombies passing through the gas of a spore will have an orange cloud around them. Just pack some zombies, lure them near a spore, explode it and headshot them.
  • Obtain a power up from a plant:
    Grow blue plants, they will give you power-ups. See corresponding part above.
  • Kill 20 zombies using the fan trap:
    The fan trap is located at the first door, on your right when entering the bunker. Just turn outside and when you have enough flesh bags, lead them to the trap.

  • Kill a transformed zombie before he enrages:
    You must kill a swamp monster before he starts running. Easy with the Nan'Sapwe skull or the death machine minigun.


  • Kill 8 spiders using spore
    Do it as soon as possible. Try to break line of sight with the spiders so they will stop shoot you on rush you, then break a spore and lure them into the orange cloud. They will blow up.
  • Headshot 5 mutated zombies:
    Simply headshot swamp-monsters head.
  • Eat a fruit given by a plant:
    Water a seed with every sources and be patient. See corresponding part above.
  • Use the plane trap to kill 30 zombies:
    The trap is located on your left when leaving spawn area, behind a door is a crashed plane. One of his engines is actually a trap. Pack some zombies and lead them to the trap. You can prone under it during activation.

  • Kill 3 zombies while they are mutating:
    The hardest challenge. When a zombie is infected by a spore, there is a chance he gets snared by orange roots, 1 or 2 seconds later, he'll be pulled underground and come back as a swamp-monster. Basically you must kill him before he gets under the ground. Pack some, get them near a spore and if you see one mutating, burst his head.

Main easter egg quest

Average time:

2 hours


One of the easiest easter eggs.


From 1 to 4 players.

  • Power ? Check.
  • Nan'Sapwe's skull ? Check.
  • Masamune ? Check.
  • Gas mask / Shield / Bucket ? Checkcheckcheck.
  • Anywhere but here ! gobblegum ? Check ?

The point is to find 3 gears, in order to repair the elevator right at the left of the bunker's entrance. You opened the path to this machine with your Skull, during the preparation steps.

First Step:

You should be preparing this step as soon as possible.

You need to hatch plants to obtain a Shell from them. Plant a seed, water it three times with blue water, and shoot it with the Masamune / KT-4 after each watering. It will give you either a bonus plant, either a cloning plant. What you need is a bonus plant, with a shell in it.

Spam seeds everwhere you can and fertilize them all. Three seeds, one bucket per round, three watering. The more plants are growing, the faster you will go on.

(Your seed is fertilized if after beeing shot by the KT-4 / Masamune, green particules will float around it.)

Now that you've got the shell in the pocket, go back to the bunker, on the roof. (The first door at the right of the entrance) Approach the AA-canon and place the shell. (Press use will looking where the shell should be placed in real, you'll most likely hear a *CLUNK*)

Don't spam action button tho ! The next time you'll use the canon, it'll shot, and you would need to hatch another shell. Wait for the massive plane to be in the sight of the canon and shoot it down.

It will drop a smoking gear, go get it. Depending on when you shot it down, the gear will be near the green water, in front of the bunker, or near the lab A's zipline.

Second step:

This step is slightly different depending on if you are playing alone or with other players. Anyway, you must electrify your shield to begin with and head back to the zipline near lab A. To electrify the shield, all players must have completed their challenges. (See part above)

The point is to use it, then let you drop on the deck wich is otherwise unreachable. The second gear is found there.


Melee the zipline's console with the electrified shield, then use it. While above the deck, use your knife attack button. It will make you fall. Important tip, there is no inertia. By pressing melee attack button, you'll fall straight vertically like a 1-ton piano


Player A must use the zipline while player B will hit the command pannel with his electrified shield while A is above the deck. A's life, weapons, perks, are between B's hands. (╯°□°)╯

This is harder than it looks because gravity is quite poorly made, no inertia will be kept when A falls down. B must not preshot the hit with his shield. Hit when A is above the deck already. Failure will have a player diving in the water, outside map. Game over for him.

Plant even more seeds in the first gear's step, as you can hatch cloning plant. Voice chat makes obviously things easier. You could also do a first zipline run without falling, to take a glance at the speed.

Third Step:

To obtain the third gear, you just have to use the gobblegum "Anywhere but here!".

Using this gubblegum will teleport you to an unreachable room above lab A. The gear will simply be located on the floor, near large eggs. You can teleport here at any time during your preparations / quest steps. Now head back to the elevator room in the bunker and place your gears.

Fourth step:

Proceeding down this step will not leave you free until the end of the boss fight so make sure to have Packed weapons, perks, Masamunes and Gobblegums. You will also need the Gas-mask (see part bellow)

Head to the elevator, once everyone is inside, press the button. Once down there, clean the roots up by shooting them with the Masamune. Pass the final door and let's begin !

In front of you should stand an awful, woody-swampy version of Takeo 1.0. He has 4 roots going in 4 directions and spores on them. You just have to shoot once with the masamune on the spores. When they are hidden, you must survive until they open again.

During this time, bunches of zombies, swamp-monsters and even spiders will be thrown a your face. Keep calm and abuse your Masamune as Max. Ammos will be dropped frequently.

You'll eventually manage to cut the 4 roots off, big scream, cutscene, white screen, congratulations !

You earned all the perks, and a mighy shiny achievement. Sadly, no identification card given.

TL;DR Cheat sheet for the main quest

If you already know the steps, this can help you remember the order of the things you have to do.

Equipment - Gas mask

The gas mask is an equipement that allows you to resist to the spore's cloud, you will not cough anymore. Moreover, it will extend the time that you can spend underwater before being hurt.

  • The first part is a cable it is located in the crash site.

    Either on a rock beside the box spot, or right outside the plane, on both sides.

  • The second part is the mask , you can find it in the area of the green water.

    Upstairs in front of the perk machine, beside the irradiated water on a box or on a box between the growing spot and the Lab B.

  • The third part is a filter which is located in the outdoor room, at the left of the power. It could be near the zipline or on the rocks near the mystery box.


Just craft it on a table either lab A or B. A bar will appear on use, showing how much gas the mask can make you dodge before needing another one.

Equipment - Shield

Nothing to say, it's our beloved butt-savior.

  • First piece:

    Under lab A on the pillars. Beside the Kuda or the neighboring windows.


  • Second piece:

    On a tree in the Lab B area. A tree near a spore in the path going upwards near a growing spot, or near the terrestrial mines.

  • Third piece:

    In the balcony where lies the AA gun, the first door at your right when entering the bunker. It can be on some broken stones, near a window and a mystery box spot.

Craft it then on a table in Lab A or B.

After completing the challenges you can electrify your shield by equipping it and waiting thunder near the main altar. Useful for some steps of the secrets, able

to lower the price of perks machines by hitting them

and killing zombies that touch it.

Side easter egg - Distant Monster

This is a very small easter egg but funny to mention.

By hitting round 50, you'll notice a feral roar in the distance. If you head to this location near Lab B,
you might spot far away outside the playable area a giant shadow, moving between the trees.

Side easter egg - Doppelganger Jumpscare

With a few secret steps, you could witness a hallucination of one of our characters. This jumpscare is actually a little bit unclear concerning the actual steps.

To do this, you'll need a sniper rifle. Hit the mystery box or complete the middle trial until it proposes you a sniper rifle.

Now head to the main bunker, in the room with green tanks. The actual method is quite unclear but the most commonly known is that, you must scope the test subject inside a tank for a short time. (Around 20 to 30 seconds)

If done correctly .. You might notice in the room the appearence of Dempsey, Nikolaï, Takeo or Richtofen, but without a name above him ...

Just approach him to trigger the jumpscare.

Side easter egg - Friendly Trasher zombie / Transformed zombie

With a little bit of secret steps, you can have a friendly Swamp-monster with you, that will help you by killing his old friend.

To do so, you must have the Masamune, the skull of Nan'Sapwe and used the skull on the poster and walls.

Head to the wall that you vanished in the green tanks room, and shoot with the Masamune on the roots. They will disappear revealing a spore. Just shoot at the spore while a zombie is near, it will transform him, and give him blue friendly eyes. He will run out of battery in some minutes.

Side easter egg - Golden bucket

Just like the golden shovel or the golden spoon in the maps Origins and Mob of the Dead, you can have a golden bucket, wich will not be empty after watering plants.

To begin with you must have hatched one of every type of plants and have used the skull of Nan'Sapwe on the poster near the purple water.

Head under lab B and use the skull on the roots blocking a growing spot, then place your bucket on it with action.

Three growing spots must have appeared, plant seeds, carnivorous plants will hatch by themselves. Feed them all with zombies until a plant grows where you placed your bucket. It should give you the golden bucket.

Side easter egg - Hallucinations

After breathing some spore gas for too long, you'll have hallucinations while standing at some points of the map.

  • The green tanks in the bunker
  • Near the lab A's crafting table
  • Near the lab B's crating table
  • On the catwalk upwards lab B

Side easter egg - Transform into a spider

Yes you read well. You can be a spider. You'll need the skull of Nan'Sapwe, the KT-4 and all trials completed.

During a spider round, use the skull on Hypnosis mode, you should see a spider glowing red. Keep her alive, kill the others. You must bring her to every water sources and let her drink the water.

Then lower the cage at lab A and bring the spider in it. Use it again to make the cage go back upwards, hit the pannel with electrical shield and lower it again.

A new round should begin, end it up. Then, a special spider round will begin, with spiders only killable with KT-4, electrical shield and skull. Finally, bring the cage back up, take the venom.

Now you can every round / Max ammo, transform for a minute into an undying spider.

Be careful tho, it is a bit bugged. You can clip through ground if too much ennemies are smashing you in a corner. You might endup undermap and die. :D

Side easter egg - Secret song 1

The first secret music is triggered by 3 puppet

The link to the music -> Dead Flowers

The first one is beside the perk, and the blue water source:

The second is on a table, in the upper floor.

The last one is on a table, near the KT-4 crafting's underground.

Side easter egg - Secret song 2

The second music will be activated by filling some pockets with water.

The link of Samantha's Lullaby

Head underground near the purple water's source. In the neighboring wall, you can see several pockets, you must fill them with particular amount of water.

From the left, you must place 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 5 third of bucket.. Then interact with the 7th pocket to start the music. You can also knife a pocket, if you added to much water.


Assault with Battery:

Difficulty: Medium

( Not really hard but a bit long in time)

In order to electrify your shield, all players must have completed their trials. (See part above) Then, wait a minute or two near the main altar, right above the cave of the skull of Nan'Sapwe. Thunder would eventually fall, then just melee a zombie or wait to be backstabbed.

Crop Duster:

Difficulty: Easy

(Just takes something like 20-25 mn i'd say)

Craft the KT-4, pack some zombies, charge a shot on them. Enjoy.

Herbal Remedy:

Difficulty: Medium

(Plant depending on randomness)

You must hatch a cloning plant (Three blue, green or purple water + KT-4 shots), use it, then die and reborn in it.

In the Belly of the Beast:

Difficulty: Easy

When you are downed, the swamp-monster that are close enough will try to eat you. Once in their stomach you will still be dying but your friends must kill the beast before reviving you. To get the achie', you must be revived.

Iron Lung:

Difficulty: Easy

Go in the underwater caverns, when you begin to be hurt, hit a spore to regain oxygen. Do it until you get the achievement.

One too many:

Difficulty: Medium

(RNG everywhere)

You have to grow up a fruit's plant (Seed watered by every color of water + KT-4 shots to be sure it's a fruit plant, and not a random basic one.), then eat the fruit. Either you get a perk, or you puke your achievement out on the floor. :)

Sanguine Serum:

Difficulty: Medium

After defeating the giant spider, simply drink the perk Widow's Wine on the way out.

Seeds of Doubt:

Difficulty: Hard

Obviously the toughest achievement, you have to complete the main secret, watch the cutscene and kill Takeo Masaki.

The Ultimate Sacrifice:

Difficulty: Easy

Just complete the 4 rituals and go claim the skull.

Web of Defeat:

Difficulty: Medium

You must destroy webs on doors / perks and gobblegum machines using all of the next weapons :

  • Grenade (It will stick to the web)
  • Knife (Press action)
  • Bowie knife (Press action)
  • KT-4
  • XM-53
  • Terrestrial mines (It will stick to the web)
  • Ray-gun


12/07/2020: Added Updates section. No records prior.

13/07/2020: Added a few things here and there. For example, quality of life in the summary of the sections.

22/07/2020: Added juicy Cheatsheet for the main quest

Black Ops 3 Zombies Easter Egg Zetsubou No Shima


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