Orange Is the New Black Season 4 Episode 3


Orange Is the New Black season 7, episode 3, "And Brown Is the New Orange" presents a new phase with a new warden, and shows the horrors Maritza and Blanca are facing in the ICE facility.

This recap of Netflix series Orange Is the New Black Season 7, Episode 3, "And Brown Is the New Orange" contains spoilers. You can read the recap of the previous episode by clicking these words.

Orange Is the New Black season 7 continues its energetic political charge against US immigration laws in episode 3, "And Brown Is the New Orange". On one side of the episode, it shows the dismantling of human rights, and on the other hand, it shows how companies try and sell diversity by flawed, unhelpful means.

Tamika Ward is confidently embracing her new role as Warden at the start of episode 7 — removing solitary confinement because based on research, it does not help matters. Hopper is angry at this rule, and also tells her she only got the job because she is black. This revelation sets her back, and ruffles her feathers, especially when Tasha assaults Murphy, and she struggles to break them up. She did not want the job to fill the quota.

With Tamika now the new warden, Natalie Figueroa is re-assigned to a new facility; the ICE facility (U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement). When she arrives at her new job, she's alarmed at how quiet it is, and she asks plenty of questions about the people in the center. You can tell Natalie is not comfortable with this facility.

But by the introduction of Natalie, we also see Maritza and Blanca. Maritza is adamant that they can both leave this facility, and suggests getting a lawyer. Blanca rightfully invokes reality; with little money and process within the facility, they will not be able to leave. Episode 3, "And Brown Is the New Orange" is served to demonstrate how atrocious the ICE process is, and that the treatment of people inside the facility, even US citizens, goes against human rights.

With Artesian and Alex now working together in prison, Greg is out of the picture for now — though he is trying to remove Alex and transfer her, so she is not a problem for himself and Murphy. Artesian provides some multi-vitamins and asks Alex to sell them for her, but Alex scoffs at the notion and suggests they sell phone chargers instead — the prisoners need them as their illegal phones are running out of juice.

Episode 3 ends, Murphy is transferred to another prison after Warden Tamika puts her foot down on her position and finds solutions, and Blanca's partner is caught up in the ICE process.

Warden's Notes:

  • Suzanne is desperate to get Tasha and Cindy back as friends, but this fails, with Tasha laughing in Cindy's face. This might be a slow-burner.
  • Piper loses her mother's group after her probation officer turns up at her home. She consoles with her father, who offers her a job — she's slowly establishing herself into society.
  • Red is still down in the slumps after solitary confinement, but Gloria picks her back up, and she accepts to rerun the kitchen. It's time to have the old Red back!

You can read the recap of the fourth episode by clicking these words.

Orange Is the New Black Season 4 Episode 3


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