Maximum Attempts Exceeded Try Again Later for State Tax Filling

Technical Errors on New Income Tax Web Portal

The income taxation department launched the new website of Income Taxation on June vii this calendar month. The website is having diverse technical problems since its launch. I of these is the problem related to ITR, Let's know it in detail here.

Diverse Mistake Related to ITR

People were excited about the new Income Tax website but after the launch, they are facing diverse bug on it. The long list of issues as well includes problems related to ITR filing, due to which people are getting frustrated. It is obvious that ITR filling is one of the main functions of the Income Revenue enhancement website forth with other functions. But right now the website is not able to perform its principal office properly.

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Latest Update

16th Feb 2022

  • The CBDT informed the Gujarat High court that the developer team has to fixed the several glitches faced by the taxpayers while uploading audit reports and filing returns on the new e-filing portal. They besides said, there was no relief on interest for the late filers.

10 Bug Related to ITR People are Facing

  • Errors are circulating on the portal while filing income tax returns as several taxpayers are complaining via Twitter
  • ITRs for different financial years are not existence downloaded in PDF format
  • Filed ITR receipts are non being downloaded
  • ITR is non being filed for the financial year 2021, i.e. the assessment year 2021-22
  • Old Outstanding Demand is also non showing
  • Refund requests are not beingness made
  • In that location is a problem in viewing the 26AS form, which is very of import.
  • If I endeavour to do ITR verification past selecting 'cocky' in the capacity, and then the name disappears and showing a validation error
  • There is no option to better ITR
  • It is also showing the under-processing of returns processed in March 2021
  • The Income Revenue enhancement Department has introduced the Javascript Object Notation facility (JSON utility) for the assessment year 2022, only this facility is non visible on the website all the same

Note: Recently the analysts and researchers have found that all these issues are solved and these issues are beneath 60% with the contempo updates. However, there are refund problems nevertheless on the portal and taxpayers and clients are reaching to authorities for a better solution.

Login Problems on New Taxation Portal

Whenever a user is trying to log in to the new website of Income Tax, they face up the problem of login failure multiple times. Sometimes the website is also notified that the password is wrong. Simply if you want to change the password, then the forget password option is not working. Even if this option works, then in that location is a problem in getting the OTP. That is, you have to face all the problems regarding the password.

Bug with PAN Card

Another problem is that, whenever a user is trying to validate any of his information by visiting the new Income Tax website, he is seeing a information mismatch error. This means that the information entered by the user is not matching with his PAN card, while everything is being entered correctly. People are having one more than problem related to PAN cards equally the website is showing many PAN numbers invalid, but these aforementioned PAN numbers are doing well on the former website.

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Sourabh Kumar is Tech Influencer who wants to explore new fields, Documents and represent his gained cognition to the world. He is having a vast feel in writing content in Engineering, Social Bug, and the education field. Interest in learning new things and sharing observations and noesis brings him to SAG Infotech equally Content Writer. View more posts



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