How Do You Prestige on Black Ops 3 Zombies

Why I Think Prestige in BO3 Zombies is Pointless + Prestige Reward Ideas

I've already made a video on this topic, so if you wanna watch that instead of reading this, since they are going to say basically the same thing, go ahead.

I've been asked a few times while streaming before why my rank is Prestige 1 level 35, but my stats surpass that of most Prestige Masters. Here's a snapshot of my stats as of today.

user uploaded image

user uploaded image

Those are some fine stats, huh? Over 22 days on record, almost 880,000 kills, 150+ rounds on 3 maps and 50+ rounds on 9 maps, damn that's some top-tier stuff right? So why does my rank not reflect that?

What if I told you that rank means NOTHING?

One important lesson I learned in BO2 Zombies is that the ranking system doesn't mean anything. You can be a chicken bone rank and be as good as a shotgun rank. Yes, the ranking system is a good way to quickly judge a player before you play a game of zombies with them, but despite the guy having that sought after shotgun rank to dazzle you, it's TOO EASY to just sit in a glitch spot on Die Rise or Buried and cheat some high rounds to rank up and get their shotguns.

And people wonder why they lost their shotguns when they played like shit afterwards. >_>

It's the same story with BO3. Yes, you might meet someone with that flashy Prestige Master rank, but like BO2, many easy high round glitches exist to cheat some high rounds and rank up fast, and even if they don't do this, some players will do NOTHING but camp on the catwalk on The Giant to rank up to Prestige Master. You can usually tell who does this by their rounds and their deadliest weapon. If someone's highest round is a decent round on The Giant, like between 40 & 50, they have no other good rounds, and their deadliest weapon is the KN-44, they camped the catwalk to get their rank.

Now that we've covered that, let's get into the more important reason why prestige in BO3 Zombies is pointless; there is no reward whatsoever for prestiging.

Unlike previous COD games, or hell even BO3 Multiplayer, the game gives you no incentive to prestige. What do I mean by this? Well, let's take a look at the rewards for prestiging in BO3 Zombies. There's two: Permanent Unlock Token, and Fresh Start.

The Permanent Unlock Token can be used once per prestige to permanently unlock one item to keep through your prestige journey so you don't have to re-unlock it. But hey, here's a crazy idea; why not just stay where you are and keep EVERYTHING instead of re-locking all but ONE extra thing per prestige?

The Fresh Start can be used to reset your stats, as though you've never played the game of zombies. Except for big zombies YouTubers who used this as a cheap streaming gimmick with their "round 100 on X map or I reset my stats" streams to get views, I can't fathom why anyone would want to reset their hard-earned zombie slaying stats. It seems like a strange reward to give a player, like "HEY, good job on getting those stats! How would you like to start all over, from the very beginning? Ahuhuh!" Like, what?

This is in sharp contrast to prestige rewards like BO1 multiplayer, where you got an extra custom class every odd number prestige through prestiges 1-9, colored clan tags at prestige 13, gold camo at prestige 14, and new prestige calling cards and emblem cosmetics every prestige. MW3 had prestige tokens that you could trade in for extra custom classes, 2 hours of double XP, double weapon XP, or some other rewards. Even BO3's multiplayer is better, because you get an extra custom class per prestige, and a new calling card per prestige. Those are all pretty good rewards, huh?

Why doesn't BO3 Zombies have anything like that?

Maybe we could have got an extra GobbleGum Pack per prestige? Not that 10 packs isn't a lot, but if you want to have a pack for every map, that's just too bad. That means every time I want to play a map that I don't have a pack setup for, I have to erase one of my existing packs and replace it with the one I want to setup for the map I'm about to play. That doesn't sound too annoying, but this wouldn't even be a problem if I could get some extra GobbleGum packs through prestiging!

If you're interested in more ideas I've had for prestige rewards that could have been implemented into BO3 zombies to make prestige worthwhile, you can skip to the halfway point of my video and check that out.

Thanks for reading my nonsense, and I'll see you next time.

How Do You Prestige on Black Ops 3 Zombies


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